Gilbert Boro
Gilbert Boro has enjoyed a distinguished career as a successful architect, international design consultant and an inspiring educator, yet he remains first and foremost, an artist who nurtures his creativie energy by sculpting. Boro’s work explores the study of geometric relationships and the interplay of space, place & scale. Boro’s long career in sculpture delivers a wide range of works with varied aesthetics and materials including stone, wood, metal & fiberglass.
Boro is dedicated to the local arts communty in Old Lyme, CT where he owns/operates Studio 80 + Sculpture Grounds, a collaborative work studio and sculpture garden open to the public. Boro fabricates his sculptures in the studio and displays his many large-scale pieces on the sculpture grounds. With several thousand visotors each year, the 4.5-acre sculpture grounds boast over 90 works by Boro and many other contributing artists from around the globe.